Never a Dull Moment

April 11, 2013  •  Leave a Comment
Sunrise in AV
The calm (relative calm) before the dust storm on Monday

This week I have been able to do several things in my photography journey. My business's Facebook page is almost ready to launch. I actually do have a job doing photography for a wedding at the end of the month. I have explored on-line galleries/website hosting and have made a decision on that. So I feel like I am proceeding forward rather well. I still have to get my business card done and printed. I want to have that done before the wedding, so I will have them if I need them.


My daughter's famous picture

Besides that, we had the worst dust storm I can remember in a while on Monday. I got a few shots of that. But my daughter was the most proud, because she took a picture of it while I was driving and after I posted it on Facebook, it got over 120 shares - I never have had that many!

Desert dust

Even dust can make a great picture!

The storm went on all day. This picture was from late afternoon. The newspaper said there were 37 accidents due to dust - I am not surprised at all!

Cuddly kittens

Luna (left) and Tonks (right)

On Tuesday, we got two new kittens. I will announce their names here since I haven't done that yet. They are Tonks and Luna. All our animals have names from the Harry Potter series, so these will fit right in. They are quite adorable and spend all day on my desk sleeping while I work, unless they are playing or climbing. The puppies love them, but our cat, Tom (Riddle) has yet to warm up to them. At least he isn't hissing as much!


My steering wheel cover

Yesterday and today have been spent playing catch up at my real job (which is at home, so I get distracted easily by things like kittens and/or dust storms). Not much in the way of photo-taking except for in the late afternoon while my daughter was in dance. I was sitting in my car and noticed that there was a serious sun-flare hitting my camera at certain angles.

Sun flare abstract

The flare off my camera lens

I played with the angles, settings and focus and got some really interesting shots. Some of my favorites were the sun bouncing off the knobs on my steering wheel cover. Who knew I could get such fun pictures sitting in my car? 

We had a mallard couple live in our front yard for a while last Spring, and they are here again, so I took some pictures of them this afternoon. They like to hang out on our lawn in the shade.

Certainly, I cannot complain about this week being boring! And I did get some interesting pictures out of it. So... all's well that ends well, right? (except the week isn't over yet...)


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